

Transmission and distribution lines

How could we perform a remote and automated physical integrity inspection of overhead power transmission and distribution lines of Grupo Empresarial Ecopetrol?

Use of disused batteries

How to improve the reuse of energy storage batteries, solve the costly and complex disposal of these wastes, and make the most of their components to create a profitable circular economy business model?

Use of disused solar panels

How to optimize the residual use of solar panels, solve their costly and complex disposal, maximize the utilization of their components to create a profitable business model based on the circular economy?



The Econova open innovation network is a strategic initiative of the Ecopetrol Group, designed to drive innovation and create impactful solutions in key areas for the country. With a focus on collaboration and knowledge mobilization, it has established itself as a leading player in the innovation ecosystem in Colombia.

Our purpose

Econova promotes innovation, energy transition solutions and SosTECnibilidad®. We encourage collaboration to face current challenges with open innovation mechanisms among diverse actors, seeking to improve national competitiveness.

Program benefits

Resources for your technology:

Access to shared resources of up to 800 million pesos for technology maturation and demonstration.

Accompaniment accompaniment:

Get support from a technical team of experts to strengthen your proposal with impact.

High-value mentoring:

Receive training and mentoring to improve your business model.

your solution:

Participate in the offer of programs, training spaces and projects to be developed by the Econova network.

Participation requirements

Minimum two (2) years of incorporation in any country.

Demonstrate technical, technological and human capabilities related to the challenge to be solved.

Have a solution (product and/or service) for one of the challenges of the call.

Fill out the registration form with truthful information.


National and international companies, startups and scale-ups, as well as actors of the national CT+i ecosystem such as universities, research, technological development and innovation centers.

Relive our webinars

Schedule of the call for proposals




Opening of the call for proposals

Launching of the call for proposals.


Closing of the call for proposals

Deadline for interested innovators to submit their applications.


Selection stage

First filter of minimum requirements (legal, technical, financial compliance).

Second filter Fit of the solutions.

Pitch Day.


Publication of winners

The proposals submitted are evaluated in accordance with the defined criteria and the final results are published.





Opening of the call for proposals

Launching of the call for proposals.


Closing of the call for proposals

Deadline for interested innovators to submit their applications.


Selection stage

First filter of minimum requirements (legal, technical, financial compliance).

Second filter Fit of the solutions.

Pitch Day.


Publication of winners

The proposals submitted are evaluated in accordance with the defined criteria and the final results are published.


Open innovation programs are a commitment by a corporation, institution or entity to generate strategic alliances with startups, scaleups, universities or other entities of the ecosystem with the purpose of co-creating solutions for the company's innovation challenges.

The selection of participants will be made through the following filters: 

Filter 1: compliance with minimum requirements.

Filter 2: evaluation of the solution through interviews with the applicants.

Filter 3: those shortlisted will have the opportunity to present their pitch to the Econova team.

The program does not contemplate equity investment for those selected. Resources will be available for accompaniment, co-creation and expenses required for the exploration and design of the prototype.

Agreements will be signed for the development of pilots to validate the solution with technical teams from Ecopetrol and its network of allies.

The call for applications will be open until July 5, 2024. You can apply by clicking click here.

The program will be developed virtually through communication platforms (including Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, among others), which will be previously established by the program organizers.

If you have further questions about the call:

Contact us at




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Transmission and distribution lines

How could we perform a remote and automated physical integrity inspection of overhead power transmission and distribution lines of Grupo Empresarial Ecopetrol?

Test solutions based on Science, Technology and Innovation CT+ i in order to avoid electrical failures and consequent crude oil production losses through early detection of possible failure points in the overhead transmission and distribution lines of the Business Group.

The challenge of inspecting power transmission and distribution lines lies in the need to automate the process to identify problems related to vegetation, wildlife, weather factors and component failures in a timely manner. The lack of a real-time health status of these lines negatively impacts crude oil production, especially when electrical failures occur due to components or approaches with vegetation.

Currently, inspection is mainly performed by personnel using visual methods or predictive techniques, which involves significant costs and dependence on favorable weather conditions. The presence of variable vegetation, areas of difficult access and risks for personnel make this process even more difficult.

To address this problem, it is important to implement new inspection and analysis technologies that improve the timeliness of the health diagnosis of these lines. These technologies should allow preventive interventions to be made before failures occur, thus optimizing the operation and minimizing risks to personnel and the environment.

Use of disused batteries

How to improve the reuse of energy storage batteries, solve the costly and complex disposal of these wastes, and make the most of their components to create a profitable business model based on the circular economy?

Ensure the adoption of circular economy principles for batteries in disuse or with potential for use, in order to reduce the environmental impacts caused by them.

The exponential growth in the adoption of electric vehicles and energy storage systems has created a significant challenge in terms of managing batteries once they have reached the end of their useful life. 

In Colombia, where more than 50,000 electric vehicles circulate and a global demand of 5.3 TWh is projected in 2035, it faces the accumulation of battery waste estimated at around 3150 tons in the coming years. This situation brings with it specific problems related to the disposal and reuse of batteries, highlighting the limited utilization of the remaining capacity, the difficulty, the costs associated with the disposal of waste and the underutilization of the components present in the batteries. 

Given this situation, there is a need to explore circular economy business models that allow evaluating different options for batteries, such as giving them a second life, the use of their components and/or their final disposal, thus ensuring an optimal and sustainable cycle closure; and even enabling solutions to energy access problems in areas of difficult access in the country.

Use of disused solar panels

How to optimize the residual use of solar panels, solve their costly and complex disposal, and maximize the utilization of their components to create a profitable business model based on the circular economy?

Ensure the adoption of circular economy principles for solar panels in disuse or with potential for use, in order to reduce the environmental impacts caused by them.

The diversification of the energy matrix towards renewable sources, such as solar photovoltaic energy, has been key in the transition towards a more sustainable energy system. However, a major challenge arises in relation to the management of waste generated by solar panels at the end of their useful life. 

With an estimated life span of 25 to 30 years, the removal of these panels due to various fractures in the structure or for not complying with the technical capabilities required by the system after normal use, could result in a significant accumulation of waste composed of glass, silicon, aluminum, plastic, metals and semiconductors, among other materials. 

It is estimated that by 2028 the first peak of solar panels out of circulation will occur, which raises the question of how to properly manage this waste as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). Against this backdrop, it is crucial to develop circular economy strategies and models that allow the use of their remaining capacities or components or finally the proper and sustainable disposal of solar panels at the end of their useful life.